Senedd Cymru | Welsh Parliament

Pwyllgor Diwylliant, Cyfathrebu, y Gymraeg, Chwaraeon, a Chysylltiadau Rhyngwladol | Culture, Communications, Welsh Language, Sport, and International Relations Committee

Datblygu’r ddarpariaeth Gymraeg ôl-16 |Development of post-16 Welsh language provision

Ymateb gan Urdd Gobaith Cymru | Evidence from Urdd Gobaith Cymru

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Urdd Gobaith Cymru is the main provider of Welsh language apprenticeships within the third sector.  We offer a national programme, with nearly 500 learners having pursued the Urdd Apprenticeships Programme through the medium of Welsh.  <htps://www.urdd.cymru/en/apprenceships/>

Urdd Gobaith Cymru is of the view that any cuts to the budgets of the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol and the National Centre for Learning Welsh will have a negative and potentially shocking impact on the development of post-16 education through the medium of Welsh.

During 2023-24, the Urdd was supported by the National Centre for Learning Welsh regarding the appointment of two apprenctices from minority ethnic backgrounds who were not Welsh speakers. With the centre’s help, we were able to provide them with a tutor, and they received Welsh lessons three times a week during their working hours. Both are about to sit their entry exams. Another non Welsh-speaking member of staff, who is also from a minority ethnic background, also received support as a Sports Inclusion and Diversity Officer. This Officer has passed his entry exam and is about to sit his foundation exam, and operates through the medium of Welsh on a day-to-day basis.

These are completely new Welsh speakers, who are extending awareness of the Welsh language to new communities. Forty-six members of the Urdd's staff have benefited from the scheme, including refugees who work in the kitchen in Llangrannog, sports staff andthose in the Apprenticeships Department.

We want the support provided by the Centre to continue, and we are looking at plans to grow this programme.

The Urdd has been supported by the Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol over several years, since the Coleg’s remit was expanded to include post-16 education. We succeeded in developing the Essential Skills HWB, a national venture that aims to work with several partners to provide essential skills qualifications and resources through the medium of Welsh.

The HWB ensures access to Welsh or bilingual education, without the usual barriers, for learners, apprentices and students across Wales. We believe that the coleg needs to extend its work focusing on the main apprenticeship providers to other key partners, such as the Urdd and other subcontractors.

Without the support provided by these two organisations, we would see a significant impact on the Welsh language. The Urdd's bilingual apprenticeship programme will not be able to continue. We would see a decline in the number of learners who benefit from the Essential Skills HWB nearly 200 individuals in 2023-24. See Essential Skills HWB | Urdd Gobaith Cymru.

Our programmes, supported by these organisations, also restore the confidence of individuals who do not consider themselves fluent Welsh speakers. This feeling stems from a lack of confidence. Through our bilingual programme and our Essential Skills HWB, we have succeeded in changing this mindset and have helped individuals regain their Welsh language skills.

We would support the funding of both organisations We feel that any cut to their budgets would represent a backward step on the journey to raise standards and expand post-16 education through the medium of Welsh.

Catrin Davis

Head of Apprenticeships 

Urdd Gobaith Cymru